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Antimony poisoning

Release Date:2012-05-07  Hits:530
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industrial production, antimony, mainly in the form of dust and vapor through the respiratory tract and digestive tract into the body, mainly in the liver, spleen, thyroid, bone marrow, lung and cardiac muscle and other tissues. Intrapulmonary deposition of insoluble antimony compounds into the respiratory tract. Antimony toxicity from large to small order are: antimony, antimony trisulfide, antimony pentasulfide, antimony trioxide, pentoxide antimony. Accumulation of antimony in the body. The body of antimony excreted in the faeces and urine. Antimony in the body with thiol inhibition of succinate oxidase activity of enzymes containing thiol, destruction of the intracellular ion balance, causing intracellular potassium.

reform antimony smelting and processing equipment and process, increased mechanization, closed level; ventilation dust collector and individual protective measures; adhere to a regular health check system.

occupational acute antimony poisoning patients, the light stimulation of the conjunctiva and respiratory symptoms. In severe cases, acute bronchitis and chemical pneumonia. Such as cough, sputum production and chest tightness, severe cases, there may be difficulty in breathing and other symptoms. Antimony oxide, inhalation of high concentrations can cause metal fume fever, manifested as dizziness, fatigue, chest tightness, joint pain, chills, fever. Oral antimony compounds or injection of antimony potassium tartrate overdose of non-occupational patients with acute antimony poisoning, caused by the liver and cardiac damage, the performance of the liver, liver dysfunction and ECG changes. Long-term inhalation of dust and soot of antimony and its compounds cause chronic rhinitis, nasal ulcers, nasal septum, chronic pharyngitis World Pipe network informed. Antimony pneumoconiosis patients, cough, sputum, chest tightness, symptoms, chest X-ray shows lungs have diffuse small round or round nodular shadow lesions. Dermatitis caused by exposure to antimony, the performance of the skin, itching world pie network information , papules, ulcers and other damage, the incidence of bare body and multi-fold sweating parts. Summer incidence. Disengagement dermatitis can heal.

high concentrations of antimony history of exposure to typical clinical symptoms, combined with the urine of antimony content was significantly higher acute antimony poisoning can be diagnosed. Chronic antimony poisoning, because of damage to a lack of specificity, the diagnosis more difficult. Antimony concentration according to the operating environment, job seniority, the antimony content in urine and chest x-ray findings, the exclusion of other similar diseases, the diagnosis of chronic poisoning. Antimony poisoning to drive antimony treatment, combined with symptomatic treatment. Row antimony drugs: two sulfonate, the dimercaptosuccinic sodium. Dermatitis can be topical desensitization and anti-inflammatory drugs.

workshop air antimony and its compounds (Sb), the maximum allowable concentration converted into 1980, the provisions of 1mg/m3, the threshold limit of antimony in 1980 the provisions of 5mg/m3.

Antimony poisoning (antimony poisoning in


antimony enters the human body or contact with the body tissue destruction, physiological dysfunction and other phenomena. Antimony poisoning is caused by systemic diseases. High concentrations of antimony dust or oral antimony compounds or injection of antimony preparations the treatment of excessive suction within a short time, can cause acute poisoning. Long-term inhalation of low concentrations of antimony dust can cause chronic respiratory inflammation or antimony pneumoconiosis. Antimony can also cause dermatitis. Industrial production, operations, exposure to antimony and antimony mining, smelting, antimony alloy manufacturing, and rubber, and semiconductor industries.

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